# Duke University’s ## Code+ co-curricular program --- promoting undergraduate ## Diversity / Equity / Inclusion --- Link to presentation: [https://duke.is/b9tbe](https://duke.is/b9tbe) ## Kyle Skrinak [https://www.drupal.org/u/screenack](https://www.drupal.org/u/screenack) Senior Manager, I.T., Duke Web Services Development and Support ## Duke University [https://people.duke.edu/~kds38](https://people.duke.edu/~kds38) --- Our team builds, hosts, and maintains over 250 Drupal websites, including multisite, headless, and other websites and applications. ## What is Code+? ---
## Origins for the Drupal module project --- * A re-org at Duke * Office of Information Technology’s call for Code+ projects * A mutually-beneficial project * Supports the Code+ team, Drupal, Open Source, and Duke * Duke maintains an internally-developed module on D.O. in need of attention * AKA “BasicShib” [https://www.drupal.org/project/basicshib](https://www.drupal.org/project/basicshib) * A Duke need: integrate Grouper with Shibboleth Note: Summer Experience Co-Curricular Project ## A Code+ Project is born --- * Draft and submit my proposal * Lots of edits * Code+ administrators accepted my proposal ## A Code+ Project is born --- ### Drupal Module for Software Design and Development The Drupal open-source software platform provides an opportunity for those who wish to design, develop, release, and finally maintain a non-commercial software project. A team of students will work with Duke’s Office of Information Technology and other partners across campus to develop a Drupal module to extend the functionality of the existing framework to create an application. Students will work with Drupal 9 to extend Symfony’s PHP object model paradigm. This allows students to work within a fully compliant Object-Oriented Programming, or OOP, paradigm. ## A Code+ Project is Born ---  ## A Code+ Project is Born ---  ## A Code+ Project is Born ---  ## A Code+ Project is Born ---  ## A Code+ Project is Born ---  ## A Code+ Project is Born ---  ## Project Parameters --- * Code+ administrators assigns five students to project * We discuss project, training, and software requirements * Lando for development. * Identify common means for collaboration. * Daily check-in and check-out on Microsoft Teams and Zoom * We had a mix of on-campus and remote students across time zones. * Encourage team collaboration on a standard platform. ## Project Parameters --- * Weekly individual one-on-ones and daily team scrums * The team is to provide regular updates to the stakeholders on progress * Encourage the team to become familiar with project management principles and tools ## Project schedule --- * Weeks 1 - 3: Training * One week more for Symfony and Drupal training * Weeks 4 - 6: Software discovery, requirements, and first stakeholder’s meeting * Weeks 7 - 9: Software development and presentation of the project’s effort * Week 10: Practice for and the final presentation to project stakeholders, corporate sponsors, project leads, and their fellow Code+ members in the cohort ## Project Challenges --- * What on earth is Drupal? * Well, about that * Rising sophomores who have never collaborated in this fashion * A highly effective team * Uneven engagement and enthusiasm * In the end, all were “all in.” * No initial team cohesion * Genuine team bonding and fondness ## Help from the Duke and Drupal community --- I asked for help, and the Drupal community responded! * Marc Isaacson ([vegantriathlete](https://www.drupal.org/u/vegantriathlete)), Precious McKoy ([mckoypr](https://www.drupal.org/u/mckoypr)), Jay Beaton ([jrb](https://www.drupal.org/u/jrb)), Iain Hadgraft ([iaha](https://drupal.org/u/iaha)), Eric Sembrat ([webbeh](https://drupal.org/u/webbeh)) * The team also asked questions on the Slack Drupal channel [#contribute](https://drupal.slack.com/archives/C1BMUQ9U6) with strong community engagement. ## The presentation ---
## The Team Lead Experience --- * Exhilarating * Exhausting * Great team feedback * Learned a great deal * Collaborating with generous community * My wholehearted endorsement * Doing another project in 2022 # References * The Code+ website: [https://codeplus.duke.edu](https://codeplus.duke.edu) * The Code+ LinkedIn page: [https://www.linkedin.com/company/duke-code-plus-program/](https://www.linkedin.com/company/duke-code-plus-program/) * The BasicShib Drupal.org project page: [https://www.drupal.org/project/basicshib](https://www.drupal.org/project/basicshib) * The team's presentation on YouTube: [https://youtu.be/CyFxF8fJWUY](https://youtu.be/CyFxF8fJWUY) ## Questions? ## Thank you!