Duke University IT Security Office’s PDF is found here here

  1. Physical aspects:
    • Access-controlled server rooms
    • Authorized physical access only
    • Log all access as required by data
  2. Network aspects:
    • Appropriate Host-based access controls, i.e., firewall, port control, access lists)
    • Require secure remote access, using VPN or SSH
    • Encrypt all authentication traffic
    • Log all network-based server access
    • Third-party Vendor requirements
    • Avoid authentication trust relationships
  3. Operating system
    • Login prompts to remind users regarding prohibition of unauthorized access, lack of privacy for its users, last access time stamp
    • Disconnect inactive logins
    • Strip banner and error messages regarding system information
    • Mitigate announced vulnerabilities within a reasonable time-frame (same for applications)
    • Install anti-virus for periodical full storage scan
    • Approved OS’s only
    • Disable host web browsers that do not receive automatic browser updates
    • Routine scheduled downtime to mitigate vulnerabilities
    • Device reporting on the above configuration for department review
  4. Data
    • Protected data heightens access requirements
  5. Application
    • Ensure development tools, code samples, and the like, are removed in production
    • Vendors must incorporate security in the initial design phase
    • Develop on non-production servers only
    • Use de-identified data for development and testing
    • The principal of least privilege: apps only access what they must.
    • Username password credentials must not be stored in the program source code
    • Hash passwords, 3DES minimum
    • Publicly-accessible apps must not execute OS shell commands or pass non-admin user input to the shell
    • Remove commented code from production apps
    • Disable path traversal and directory browsing
    • Leverage Drupal’s input validation mechanism for all input data. Sanitizing input alone is insufficient.
    • Authenticate all credential data
    • Robots.txt can unwittingly provide path data, do not rely on it
    • Periodically review Drupal and OWASP requirements
  6. User and accounts
    • Use Shib for Drupal user management.
    • Do not share user accounts. One person per account.
    • Regularly review user membership per site
    • Revoke user access within one business day for exited employees
    • Remove accounts inactive for 3 months
    • Admin users must change passwords every 180 days
    • Use the principal of least-privilege regarding account access. Do not require an admin account for site backup
    • Encourage MFA
    • Vendors must have guest NetID accounts, managed by their departments
  7. Tools we use:
    • Fail2Ban
    • Splunk
    • Ansible
    • Tivoli
    • Autofs
    • Shibboleth
    • Composer (D8)

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