Left, working the camera, 2014-August. Right, 2020-June
Left, working the camera at my son’s football game, 2014-August. Right, 2020-June.

Yo-yo dieting, no mas

I’ve lost more weight in the past. I became frail, cold and hungry on those diets. I’ve never kept it off for more than three months. I never felt as good as I do on low-carb, either.

After meeting with Dr. Westman, and some pre-diet planning, June 8th, 2017, marked my first “official” day of switching my diet to low-carb. Since then, I’ve made some mistakes, I’ve never “cheated,” and have come to love this way of eating. Thanks to Dr. Westman’s steady guidance, I’ve come all the way around to his simple “dirty lazy” approach, as some call it. See the end of this article for more information on Dr. Westman.

I entered low-carb eating a skeptic and now I’m convinced after having lived the change and the growing body of evidence that low-carb is not only safe, but might be the best way for optimal health for most of us.

How big a change has it been? Well,

In June of 2014, I

  • Weighed +290 pounds. I was clinically obese.
  • The old and failed method of Calories-In-Calories-Out (CICO) dieting, i.e., tracked 85% of what I ate and made sure I was under my suggested total caloric requirements
  • Exercised more than 60 minutes a day, five times a week.
  • Limited my variety of exercise, since my joints prevented me from jumping or other similar movements
  • Snored like a chainsaw
  • I had a 46” waist, and wore an XXL shirt
  • My blood pressure was high, and my GP was ready to prescribe medication
  • My triglycerides were high and my cholesterol levels were unhealthy


  • Weigh 230 pounds
  • Following Page Four for health management
  • No tracking of calories or exercise.
  • Eat delicious food until I’m full
  • I don’t eat sugar or starches
  • Exercise 30 - 45 minutes a day
  • No more snoring
  • 38” waist, L shirt
  • blood pressure and vitals are excellent
  • On no medications

Many people warned me against a high-fat, low-carb eating plan. I don’t doubt they all meant well, but this old school thinking is keeping so many people from better health.

Their intent doesn’t matter — they’re wrong. This is why I go on and on about low-carb.

Oh, by the way, if you’re so inclined, check out Dr. Westman’s Page Four, which you can buy here for $10: https://drericwestman.blog/page-4/ It is a very specific and easy-to-follow low-carb guidance for sane people.

It’s the best $10 you’ll ever spend.



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